in: Gasparis Barlaei, Rervm per Octennivm in Brasilia Et alibi nuper gestarum, Sub Praefectura Illustrissimi Comitis I. Mavritii, Nassoviae, &c. Comitis, Nunc Vesaliae Gubernatoris & Equitatus Foederatorum, Belgii Ordd. sub Avriaco Ductoris, Historia. Indefessvs Agendo. Amstelodami, Ex. Typographeio, Joannis Blaev, MDCXLVII
Numbering from: R. R. Schuller El Vocabulario Araucano de DE 1642-1643 con Notas Críticas i Algunas Adiciones a las Bibliografías de la Lengua Mapuche. Santiago de Chile, Editorial Cervantes, Bandera 50. Corpus of Historical MapudungunMapudungun
Corpus of Historical Mapudungun
TEXT OCR: Google Cloud Vision (using DH Dashboard, developed by Bryan Tarpley at the Center for Digital Humanities Research at Texas A&M University.)
NB: In the 'comments' column, occasional reference is made to "Historia Naturalis Brasiliae" by Pisonis and Marcgravi (1648), which contains an appendix on *De Chilensium Lingua, et Vocabularium dictionum Chilensium* (DCL). This appears to be a copy of the same original manuscript used to compile Barlaei's "Vocabula". On the one hand, DCL is briefer, but on the other, it shows occasional distinct spellings that are clearly the result of a different interpretation of the original handwritten document.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Belén Villena (BV), Roberto Bahamonde Andrade (RBA), Constanza Martinez (CM), and Carlos Leiva (CL) (for their numerous suggestions)
The Spanish translation is taken directly from the Latin. This is the work of Constanza Martinez, published here with the translator's permission and our heartfelt thanks.
1. Tipanto | Annus. | Año | tripantu | year | N | root | tripantu | year | |
2. Tien | Mensis, luna. | Mes, luna | küyen' | moon/month | N | root | küyen' | moon/month | |
3. Toninco | Septimana. | Semana | domingo | week | N | root | domingo | week | |
4. Ante | Dies, Sol. | Día, sol | antü | sun/day | N | root | antü | sun/day | |
5. Paun | Nox. | Noche | pun' | night | N | root | pun' | night | |
6. Tabuyo | Vespera | Tarde (PM) | trafuya | evening | N | root | trafuya | evening | |
7. Eppeun | Mane. | Mañana (AM) | epewün' | almnost dawn | N | root root | epe wün' | almostdawn | |
8. Rangiante | Meridies. | Mediodía | rangiantü | midday | N | root root | rangi antü | middlesun/day | |
9. Vrle | Cras. | Mañana (día sgte.) | wüle | tomorrow | AV | root | wüle | tomorrow | |
10. Eppoê | Perendie. | Pasado mañana | epuwe | in two days | AV | root sfx | epu we | two-temp | |
11. Vya | Heri. | Ayer | wiya | yesterday | AV | root | wiya | yesterday | |
12. Putcy | Nudiustertius. | Antes de ayer | püchi? | small/a bit | AJ | root | püchi? | small/a bit | The informant possibly used an expression to mean 'a bit ago' rather than specifically 'the day before yesterday', as implied by the Latin |
13. Bachiante | Hodie. | Hoy | fachiantü | today | AV | root | fachiantü | today | |
14. Mintay | Nunc. | Ahora | müchai | soon | AV | root | müchai | soon | |
15. VVeytiva | Tunc. | Entonces | feytüfa | this/then | DP | root | feytüfa | this/then | |
16. VVantarulei | Summo mane. | El alba | wün' | dawn | V | root sfx root sfx sfx | wün' ta ru le iy | dawn-?pass-vblz-ind3 | |
17. Taptou | Serum. | El anochecer | traftu | late | AV | root sfx | next tu | late-advz | |
18. Biliante | Semper. | Siempre | fillantü | always | AV | root | fill | every/all | |
19. Chumel | Quando. | Cuándo | chumül | when | AV | root | chumül | When | |
20. Chem chuem | Quomodo, velut, sicut. | De qué modo, como, así como | chum | how | AV | root | chum | how | |
21. Hueno | Cœlum. | Cielo | wenu_N | sky/heaven | N | root | wenu | above/up/sky/heaven/weather | |
22. Quereb | Aër, ventus. | Aire, viento | kürüf | wind/air | N | root | kürüf | wind | |
23. Tomo | Nubes. | Nube | tromü | cloud | N | root | tromü | cloud | |
24. VVangelen | Stellae. | Estrellas | wangül'en | star | N | root | wangül'en | star | |
25. Pillon | Tonitru. | Trueno | pillañ | volcano/thunder/demi-god/spirit | N | root | pillañ | demon/thunder | |
26. Gualio | Fulmen. | Rayo | ? | lightning | N | root | ? | lightning | |
27. Buta que quereb | Ventus validus tempestas. | Viento fuerte, tempestad | fücha ke kürüf | old/big wind/air | AJ PL N | root sfx root | fücha ke kürüf | old/big p wind | |
28. Maoni | Pluvia. | Lluvia | mawün' | rain | N | root | mawün' | rain | |
29. Piren | Nix. | Nieve | piren | snow | V | root sfx | pire (ü)n | snow-inf | |
30. Verqumao | Ros. | Rocío// agua en movimiento | fürkümawün | dew | N | root root | fürkü mawün | freshrain | fürkü=sp fresco, maw=rain as the etymon of mawün (see Febrés) |
31. Pilingei | Glacies. | Hielo | piliñngen | freeze | V | root sfx sfx | piliñ nge iy | ice-vblz-ind3 | |
32. Quetal | Ignis. | Fuego | kütral | fire | N | root | kütral | fire | |
38. Kô | Agua. | Agua | ko | water | N | root | ko | water | |
34. Tue | Terra. | Tierra | t'ue | earth | N | root | tue | earth | |
35. Mappo | Ager. solum. | Campo, suelo | mapu | land | N | root | mapu | land | |
36. Pele | gleba, gluten argilla | Terrón, pegamento, greda | pel'e | mud/clay | N | root | pel'e | mud/clay | |
37. Cura | Lapis. | Piedra | kura | stone | N | root | kura | stone | |
38. Maviel | Lignum. | Madera | mamüll? | wood | N | root | mamüll? | wood | |
39. Aluven | Lignum fabrile. | Madera labrada | aliwen? | tree | N | root | aliwen | tree | |
40. Millia | Aurum. | Oro | milla | gold | N | root | milla | gold | |
41. Lien | Argentum. | Plata | ligen | silver | N | root | ligen | silver | |
42. Paila | Metallum. | Mina, filón//metal | payla | metal/iron | N | root | payla | metal/iron | possibly referring to a metal pan, from Spanish 'paila' (see 136 |
43. Titi | Stannum. | Estaño | tritri | pewter | N | root | tritri | pewter | |
44. Pavillue | Ferrum. | Fierro, hierro | pañilwe | iron | N | root | pañilwe | iron | |
45. Qutal cura | Silex. | Sílice, pedernal, roca | kütralkura | flint | N | root root | kütral kura | firestone | see Febrés |
46. Chadi | Sal. | Sal | chadi | salt | N | root | chadi | salt | |
47. Lÿl | Scopulus. | Roca, peñasco | lil | cliff | N | root | lil | cliff | |
48. Milla mappu | Minera auri. | Mineral de oro | milla mapu | gold mine | N | root root | milla mapu | goldland | |
49. Alyquen | Arbor. | Árbol | aliwen | tree | N | root | aliwen | tree | |
50. Cahu | Herba. | Hierba, pasto | cachu | grass | N | root | cachu | grass | |
51. Nebo | Nuces. | Nueces | ngefü | Chilean hazelnut | N | root | ngefü | hazelnut | This is the Chilean hazelnut (Gevuina avellana) of the Proteaceae family (RBA). |
52. Pino | Stramen. | Paja, forraje | pinu | straw/reeds/chaff | N | root | pinu | straw/reeds/chaff | |
53. Cairon | Foenum. | Heno | coiron | thatch/grass | N | root | coiron? | thatch/grass | The Latin is for 'hay', while the word 'coiron' refers to a a grass (poaceae). The name is used in Spanish and according to Meyer-Rusca originally from Quechua, so it could have come through either. Thanks to BVA. |
54. VVento | Vir. | Varón, hombre | wentru | man | N | root | wentru | man | |
55. Domo | Femina. | Mujer | domo | woman | N | root | domo | woman | |
56. Quidungen | Iuvenis. | Joven varón | kidungen | be alone | N | root sfx sfx | kidu nge n | self/alone-vblz-nmlz | |
57. Yecho | Adolescentula. | Jovencita | weche?üllcha? | young woman | N | root | weche?üllcha? | young woman | |
58. Penien | Puer. | Niño varón | püñeñ | child | N | root | püñeñ | child | |
59. Domo penien | Puella. | Niña | domo püñeñ | woman child | AJ N | root root | domo püñeñ | woman child | |
60. Chou | Pater. | Padre | chau | father | N | root | chau | fother | |
61. Nenque | Mater. | Madre | ñuke | mother | N | root | ñuke | mother | |
62. Domo cheche | Avia. | Abuela | domo cheche | woman maternal grandfather of a woman | AJ N | root root | domo cheche | woman maternal grandfather of a woman | |
63. Cheche | Avus. | Abuelo | cheche | maternal grandfather of a woman | N | root | cheche | maternal grandfather of a woman | |
64. VVeuco | Avunculus. | Tío (materno) | weko | maternal uncle | N | root | weko | maternal uncle | |
65. Mama | Matertera. | Tía (materna) | mamañuke | maternal aunt | N | root | mamañuke | maternal aunt | |
66. Pelcuchau | Vitricus. | Padrastro | pelkuchaw | stepfather | N | root root | pelku chau | in-law/not-by-bloodfother | |
67. Caulla | Noverca. | Madrastra | kula | stepmother | N | root | kula? | stepmother | In both Febrés and Augusta we get 'kulapüñeñ' and 'kulañuke' as 'stepchild' and 'stepmother' (RBA). Alternatively, the word may be 'llalla'= 'mother-in-law or maternal grandmother/grandchild' (BVA) |
68. Botum | Filius. | Hijo varón | fot'üm | son (of a man) | N | root | fot'üm | son (of a man) | |
69. Neaque | Filia. | Hija | ñawe | daughter (of a man) | N | root | ñawe | daughter (of a man) | |
70. Penu | Frater. | Hermano varón | peñi | brother (of a man) | N | root | peñi | brother (of a man) | |
71. Lamoên | Soror. | Hermana | lamngen | brother (of a woman) or sister | N | root | lamngen | brother (of a woman) or sister | |
72. Guempo | Socer. | Suegro | kempu | father/brother/uncle-in-law (of a man) | N | root | kempu | father/brother/uncle-in-law (of a man) | probably a mis-reading of 'q' as 'g'. The 'q' spelling is found in 'De Chilensium Lingua, et Vocabularium dictionum Chilensium' by Pisonis and Marcgravi (1648), which appears to be an independent copy of the vocabulary manuscript (with thanks to RBA). |
73. Vilca | Socrus. | Suegra | fillka | brother-in-law of a woman (her husband's brother or male cousin), sister-in-law of a man (wedded to a his brother or male cousin) | N | root | fillka | brother-in-law of a woman (her husband's brother or male cousin), sister-in-law of a man (wedded to a his brother or male cousin) | |
74. Choupo | Gener. | Yerno | trupa | son-in-law | N | root | trupa | son-in-law | chupa in Valdivia's Vocabulary |
75. VVeuro\ | Cognatus. | Pariente, consanguíneo | weku? | maternal uncle? | N | root | weku? | maternal uncle? | |
76. VVama /penco | Cognatus. | Pariente, consanguíneo | wema? penco | first born? ? | N N | root | wema? | first born? | Schüller comments:Edicion de 1660, páj. 477, trae peno! – 'wema' is used to mean 'older sister' |
77. Cunevva | pupillus. | Impúber | kuñifal | poor/orphan | N | root | kuñifal | poor/orphan | |
78. Buytha | senex. | Anciano | fücha | old/big | AJ | root | fücha | old/big | |
79. Cude | Anus. | Anciana | kushe | old lady | N | root | kude | old lady | |
80. Penienboe | Obstetrix. | Partera, comadrona | püñeñfe | midwife | N | root sfx | püñeñ fe | give birth-agent | |
81. Apô curaca | Praefectus. | El que dirige, jefe | apo1 kuraka | governor/lord great chief | N N | root root | apo kuraka | governor/lord great chief | in older sources (Valdivia+Febres) |
82. Curaca | Dominus. | Dueño, señor | kuraka | great chief | N | root | kuraka | great chief | |
83. Apô | Generalissimus. | Generalísimo | apo1 | governor/lord | N | root | apo | governor/lord | in older sources (Valdivia+Febres) |
84. Nen toque | Gubernator. | Piloto, timonel | ngen' toki | owner/master axe | V N | root root | ngen' toki | owner/master axe | the Mapuche stone axe is taken to be a symbol of power, hence the bearer of the axe is a leader, often referred to simply as 'toki' (RBA) |
85. Vlmen | eminens, primariae dignitatis. | Elevado, eminente, de elevado mérito | ül'men | rich/noble person | N | root | ül'men | rich/noble person | |
86. P ulmen | Nobilis. | Noble, de alcurnia | pu ül'men | plural rich/noble person | PART N | sfx root | pu ül'men | particle rich/noble person | |
87. Leptoque | Imperator. | Caudillo, mandatario | leptoki | fast-chief | N | root root | lef toki | fastchief | |
88. Machi | Medicus. | Médico | machi | machi/healer | N | root | machi | machi/healer | |
89. Cona | Miles. | Soldado | kon'a | assistant/soldier | N | root | kon'a | assistant/soldier | |
90. Retave Caman | Faber ferrarius. | Artesano en fierros | rütrafe kamañ | smith occupation/art | N N | root root | rütrafe kamañ | smith occupation/art | |
91. Guito VVoc | Textor. | Tejedor | witralfe | weaver | N | root sfx | witral fe | loom-agent | |
92. Challo a caman | Piscator. | Pescador | challwa kamañ | fish occupation/art | N N | root root | challwa kamañ | fish occupation/art | |
93. Nilla cabôe | Mercator. | Mercader | ngillakafe | merchant | N | root root sfx | ngilla ka fe | buy/getother/also-agent | |
94. Turintavve | tinctor. | Tintorero, teñidor | tintawe? | painter/dyer | N | root sfx | tinta? we | dye/ink-agent | Sp:tinta-'ink'? why 'we' is used instead of 'boe' for the agentive is unclear. Possibly 'w' as /v/. |
95. Chumpiro Caman | pileo. | Pileo (gorro). (¿hacedor de gorro?) | chumpiro kamañ | hat occupation/art | N N | root root | chumpiro kamañ | hat occupation/art | Sp:sombrero |
96. Tultunça Caman | tympanistes. | Tamborilero | kul'trun kamañ | drum occupation/art | N N | root root | kul'trun kamañ | drum occupation/art | note that Febres gives 'trüntrünka' for drum, alongside 'kultrun' and note the similarity with 'trutruka', a horn – Cañas also gives 'cultrunka', pointing to the regional nature of the -ka form |
97. Ni che ta ni vveni | famulus. | Esclavo, siervo | ñi che ta ñi weñi | my/his/her/their person my/his/her/their boy | PP N DA PP N | root root sfx root root | ñi che ta ñi weñi | my/his/her/their(PP1s/3) person DA my/his/her/their(PP1s/3) boy | probably in the meaning of a youth doing work as an assistant, such as a groom or manservant – 'weñi' is likely a form of 'wenuy' meaning 'friend' |
98. Voêrquin | Nuncius. | Mensajero, correo | werken | messenger | N | root | werken | messenger | |
99. Langam Cheboe | homicida. | Asesino, homicida | l'angümchefe | murderer | N | root sfx root sfx | l'ang üm che fe | die-causeperson-agent | |
100. Chuguiboê | Fur. | Ladrón | chukife | thief | N | root sfx | chuki fe | steal-agent | |
101. Illuiboe | Mendicus. | Mendigo, indigente | illüfe | beggar | N | root sfx | illüf fe | unfortunate-agent | |
102. Alvee | Diabolus. | Diablo, espíritu del engaño | alwe | dead person (their soul) | N | root | alwe | dead person (their soul) | |
103. Ruca | Domus. | Casa | ruka | house | N | root | ruka | house | |
104. Vllin | Ianua. | Puerta | wülngiñ | door | N | root | wülngiñ | door | |
105. Chaquana | scala. | Escalera, peldaño | chakana | ladder | N | root | chakana | ladder | Quechua:chakana=bridge or ladder.Thanks to RBA |
106. Pylca | Paries. | Pared, muro | pirka | wall | N | root | pirka | wall | |
107. VVana ruca | Tectum. | Techo | wenu ruka | sky/heaven house | N N | root root | wenu ruka | above/up/sky/heaven/weather house | |
108. Pithe ruca | tuguriolum. | Choza, cabaña pequeña | pichi ruka | small house | AJ N | root root | püdn ruka | small house | possibly also a form of 'püchi ruka', with the word 'püchi' having a pejorative connotation, based on the original meaning 'small' i.e. 'a hovel' (suggested by RBA) |
109. Guetaltuange | Focus. | Hogar, fogón | kütraltun | build a fire | V | root sfx sfx sfx | kütral tu a nge | fire-vblz-fut-imp2s | |
110. Lolcura | Penu | Provisiones, vituallas | lolkura? | pantry(hole-stone)? | C | root root | lolo kura | holestone | potentially meaning 'a hole lined with stones' or 'a stone with holes' |
111. Cavvyto | Cubile. | Lecho, cama | kawitu | bed | N | root | kawitu | bed | Quechua:kawitu |
112. Deptuaruca | Carcer. | Cárcel | deftuaruka? | prison (bind house) | N | root sfx sfx root | def tu a ruka | rope-vblz-fut?house | Valdivia and Febrés give 'deftun/devtun' as 'aprehend/imprison' |
113. VVeltelve | Patibulum. | Patíbulo | ? | gallows | N | root sfx sfx | welte (ü)l fe? | be uneven-cause-ins | possibly a form of 'pültrün+we' meaning 'hang+place' (RBA). |
114. Pengal | Sepulcrum. | Tumba, sepulcro | rüngal | tomb | N | root | rüngal | tomb | |
116. Louquen | Mare. | Mar | l'afken' | sea/lake | N | root | l'afken' | sea/lake | |
116. Levo | Fluvius. | Río | l'ewfü | river | N | root | l'ewfü | river | |
117. Buta vvapo | Navis. | Nave | fücha wampu | big/old boat | AJ N | root root | füta wampu | big/old boat | Quechuan:wampu |
118. Pich uampo | Navicula. | Nave pequeña | püchi wampu | small boat | AJ N | root root | pichi wampu | small boat | Quechuan:wampu |
119. Dolio | Lembus, canoa. | Chalupa, canoa | dallka? | raft | N | root | dallka? | raft? | speculatively, a misspelling of 'dolco', which in turn would give us 'dallka' (thanks to RBA) |
120. VVampo | scapha. | Barca | wampu | boat | N | root | wampu | boat | Quechuan:wampu |
121. Alivven | Malus. | Mástil | aliwen | tree | N | root | aliwen | tree | elicited here as 'mast' |
122. Mou | Funes. | Cuerdas | maw | rope | N | root | maw | rope | |
123. Vela | Vela. | Velas | vela | sail | N | root | vela | sail | Sp:vela |
124. VVyta | Remus. | Remo | witra | oar | N | root | witra | drag/pull/whack | see 'witran'=pull and 'witri'=spoon for more, see 147. |
125. Guetal | Ignis. | Fuego, llama | kütral | fire | N | root | kütral | fire | |
126. Tubquen | cinis. | Ceniza | trufken | ash | N | root | trufken | ash | |
127. Cuju | carbo. | Carbón | kuyul' | charcoal | N | root | kuyul' | charcoal | |
128. Ale | Flamma. | Llama | ayl'en? | flame | N | root | ayl'en? | flame | 'ayl'en' is the word for 'ember', an alternative here is 'ale' meaning 'moonlight' (suggested by RBA) |
129. Aypel | pruna. | Carbón encendido, brasa | aypel | ember | N | root | aypel | ember | |
130. Lucaton Guetal | fomitie scintillae. | Virutas de chispa | lüfketun kütral | to flash lightning fire | V N | root sfx sfx root | lüfke tu (ü)n kütral | lightning-vblz-inf fire | |
131. VVietum | Fumus. | Humo | fitruñ | smoke | N | root | fitruñ | smoke | |
132. Catila | Candela. | Candela, mecha, antorcha | katila | candle | N | root | katila | candle | Sp:candela. |
133. VVyno | Culter. | Cuchillo | winu | knife | N | root | winu | knife | |
134. VViti | Cochlear. | Cuchara, cucharada | wütrü | spoon | N | root | wütrü | spoon | |
135. Guidi | olla. | Olla, vasija de barro | widü | clay pot | N | root | widü | clay pot | |
136. Paila | lebes | Caldera, olla | payla | pan | N | root | payla | pan | Sp:paila. |
137. Lepôe | scopae. | Escoba | lepüwe | broom | N | root sfx | lepü we | sweep/clean-inst | |
138. Couvvvvoe | fusi. | Travesaño de una palanca | kuliwfe | spindler | N | root sfx | kuliw fe | spindle-agent | |
139. Lepo boruvve | dentiscalpium. | Mondadientes | lepüforowe | toothpick | N | root root sfx | lepü foro we | sweep/cleanbone/tooth-ins | |
140. Pavilla Lonco | galea. | Casco | pañilwe | metal/iron | N | root root | pañilwe longko | metal/ironhead | |
141. VVaiqui | Hasta. | Lanza, pica, asta | wayki | lance | N | root | wayki | lance | |
142. Pylqui | Sagitta. | Flecha | pülki | arrow | N | root | pülki | arrow | |
143. Pulqui Tuboi | Arcus. | Arco | pülkitufe | archer | N | root sfx sfx | pülki tu fe | arrow-vblz-agent | |
144. Tultunca | Tympanum. | Tambor | trultrunka | drum | N | root | trultrunka | drum | |
145. Macane | clava ferrea. | Maza de fierro, garrote, clava | makana | club | N | root | makana | club | Sp:macana. |
146. Cachal | Securis. | Hacha | kachal | axe | N | root | kachal | axe | possibly Spanish 'hacha', or possibly 'katrü-a-el' 'cut-future-nmlz' |
147. VVita | Ligo. | Azadón | witra | hoe | N | root | witra | drag/pull/whack | the word appears to be related to the verb 'witran' meaning to pull or to draw, also used for 'oar' apparently (cf. 124). See also 'wichan'='to rend', 'witan'= 'to whack'(Smmets) and 'witafkün' = 'to slap'(Febrés), all probably related, etymologically (thanks to RBA) |
148. Juisue | Cribrum. | Tamiz | chuychuywe | sieve | N | root sfx | chuychuy we | sieve-inst | It can be traced back to Febrés 'chuychuywe' and Valdivia 'suysuywe' which ultimately goes gack to Quechua 'suysuna' followed by the mapuche instrumental 'we'. It is possible that the borrowing is through Spanish. Most forms in present dialects are based on 'cernir' (cf. Augusta 'chüñidwe'). see Hernández et al give the form chünüwe. |
149. Chilca | epistola. | Carta | chillka | letter | N | root | chillka | letter | |
150. Quido | Amiculum. | Ropa interior// camisa// manto | küdu | cloak | N | root | küdu | cloak | |
151. Macum | Subucula. | Especie de camisa// túnica de abajo | makuñ | poncho | N | root | makuñ | poncho | |
152. Charavvilla | Femorale. | Calzones// pantalones | charawilla | underpants | N | root | charawilla | underpants | |
153. Chompiro | Pileus. | Gorro de lana | chompiru | hat | N | root | chompiru | hat | Sp:sombrero |
154. Tarivve loun | Fascia. diadema. | Cinta, diadema | trariwe longko | band head/chief | N N | root sfx root | trari we longko | tie-inst head/chief | |
155. Icla | stola muliebris. | Túnica femenina | ikülla | cape/shawl | N | root | ikülla | cape/shawl | Valdivia gives 'iklla', also appears as 'eküll' elsewhere.(Thanks to CL) |
156. Domo Ruida | toga. | Toga de mujer | domo ruyda? | woman toga? | N N | root root | domo ruyda? | woman toga? | |
157. Couchon | saccus. | Saco//monedero | ? | sack?coat? | N | root | ? | ? | |
158. Pino chompiro | pileus stramineus. | Gorro de paja | pinu chompiru | straw/reeds/chaff hat | N N | root root | pinu chompiru | straw/reeds/chaff hat | Sp:sombrero |
159. Congi | cibus. | Alimento | kongi | harvest | N | root | kongi | harvest | |
160. Cobque | Panis. | Pan | kofke | bread | N | root | kofke | bread | |
161. Nul Cobque | medulla panis. | Miga del pan | ngülün kofke | doughy centre bread | V N | root root | ngülün kofke | kneed bread | |
162. Liquangue | Lux. | Luz | ligüngen? | light/bright | AJ | root sfx sfx | lig ? nge | white/light-?-vblz | |
163. Dumingei | tenebrae. | Tinieblas | dumiñgnen | darken | V | root sfx sfx | dumiñ nge iy | dark-vblz-ind3 | |
164. Oun | buccella. | Boquita//bocadillo | wün' | mouth/mouthfull | N | root | wün' | mouth/mouthfull | |
165. Quemeiquen | bellaria. | Confituras, postres// licores dulces | kümeken | sweet | V | root sfx sfx | küme ke n | good-plur-vblz | |
166. Medda | Puls. | Masa de harina | müda | mash/pulp | N | root | müda | mash/pulp | |
167. Core | Jusculum. | Caldo | korü | broth | N | root | korü | broth | |
168. Ilon | Caro. | Carne | ilo | meat | N | root | ilo | meat | |
169. Cuicha Ilon | Caro ovilla. | Carne de oveja | ofida ilo | sheep meat | N N | root root | ofida ilo | sheep meat | Sp:oveja |
170. VVara Ilon | Caro bubula. | Carne de vaca | waka ilo | cow meat | N N | root root | waka ilo | cow meat | Sp:vaca |
171. Cuchi Ilon | Caro suilla. | Carne de cerdo | kuchi ilo | pig meat | N N | root root | kuchi ilo | pig meat | from spa 'cochi', used to call pigs |
172. Cuchi cham | perna. | Pata, jamón | kuchi chang | pig branch/leg | N N | root root | kuchi chang | pig branch/leg | from spa 'cochino' or from arn 'kuchiu' (arse) or both from the spa? |
173. Chaditues Ilon | Caro salita. | Carne salada | chadituel ilo | salted meat | AJ N | root sfx sfx root | chadi tu el ilo | salt-vblz-nmlz meat | |
174. Caucan | Caro tosta. | Carne tostada | kangkan | barbacue/roast | N | root | kangkan | barbacue/roast | probably a confusion of 'u' for 'n' |
175. Avaun | Caro elixa. | Carne hervida | afün | cook | V | root | afün | cook | |
176. Puytscha | Intestina. | Intestinos | pütra | gut/stomach | N | root | pütra | gut/stomach | |
177. Curam | ovum. | Huevo | kuram | egg | N | root | kuram | egg | |
178. Quecuram | vitellum ovi. | Yema de huevo | ke kuram | yolk | N | root root | ke kuram | liveregg | |
179. Ly curam | Albumen ovi. | Clara de huevo | lig kuram | white/light egg | AJ N | root root | lig kuram | white/light egg | |
180. Ivvijn | Butyrum. | Mantequilla | iwiñ | lard | N | root | iwiñ | lard | |
181. Ylu | Lac. | Leche | ilu | milk | N | root | ilu | milk | Valdivia, Febrés and Havestadt qualify this as mother's milk, as opposed to a more generic 'lichi'. Febres gives 'lichitun' as 'to milk', while human breastfeeding is given as 'moyulcan' by Valdivia. It is likely that, at least for more northern dialects a distinction between human and animal milk was preerved in the lexicon, the latter probably having entered the Mapuche diet only after European contact, hence taking a Spanish word 'leche'. It is possible that in the variety described here, the Mapuche word was extended to animal milk as well as human. 'ilu' is not attested later. |
182. Puulco | Potus. | Bebida | pülku | cider/wine | N | root | pülku | cider/wine | |
183. Uino | Vinum. | Vino | vino | wine | N | root | vino | wine | Sp:vino |
184. Ciche | Cerevisia Chilensis. | Cerveza chilena | chicha | cider | N | root | chicha | cider | Sp:chicha |
185. Cutan | Morbus, dolor. | Enfermedad, dolor | kutran | disease/pain/wound | N | root | kutran | disease/pain/wound | |
186. Aren cutan | Febris. | Fiebre | aren kutran | burning disease/pain/wound | AJ N | root root | aren kutran | burning disease/pain/wound | likely from spa 'arder' |
187. Tovvongen | Caput. | Cabeza | tofün' | Nerve joining the spine and skull | N | root | tofün' | Nerve joining the spine and skull | |
188. Lanco Cultano | Dolor capitis. | Dolor de cabeza | longko kutran | head/chief disease/pain/wound | N N | root root | longko kutran | head/chief disease/pain/wound | |
189. Veno Aren | Scabies. | Costra//sarna | ? aren | ? burning | N V | root root | ? aren | ? burning | possibly from Spanish 'arder' |
190. Pituvv | scabies capitis. | Costra de cabeza// sarna de la cabeza | pitru | scabies | N | root | pitru | scabies | |
191. Albungien | Vulnus. | Herida | allfüngen | be wounded | V | root sfx sfx | allfü nge n | wound-vblz-inf | |
192. Molbuen | Sanguis. | Sangre | mollfüñ | blood | N | root | mollfüñ | blood | |
193. Touma | Coecus. | Ciego | trawma | blind | N | root | trawma | blind | |
194. Cavvinto | Convivium. | Banquete, convite | kawiñtun | to party | V | root sfx | kawiñ tu | party-vblz | |
195. Colchou | variolae, morbilli. | Viruela, sarampión | kolchaw | pustule | N | root | kolchaw | pustule | in Valdivia and Febrés we find kolchaw, while in Augusta we get 'poltraw' or 'noltraw' the early case must refer to the filling with liquid 'ko' (water) |
196. VVocubu | Fera. | Fiera | wekufü | demon/devil | N | root | wekufü | demon/devil | here corresponding to 'wild animal/beast' in the Latin |
197. Pangi | Leo. | León | pangi | mountain lion | N | root | pangi | mountain lion | |
198. Naguel | Tigris, | Tigre | nawel | jaguar | N | root | nawel | jaguar | |
199. Cavallô | Equus. | Caballo | kawellu | horse | N | root | kawellu | horse | Sp:caballo |
200. Cuchy | Sus. | Cerdo | kuchi | pig | N | root | kuchi | pig | from spa 'cochi', used to call pigs |
201. Michun | Vitulus. | Ternero, novillo | michun | cat? | N | root | michun | cat | potentially 'pichi mansun' suggests BVA. It is likely that there was a transcription error, with 'michun' actually corresponding to the word 'cat', a Spanish borrowing and the equivalent for calf missing altogether. |
202. Devve | Mus. | Ratón | dewü | mouse | N | root | dewü | mouse | |
203. VVaren | Glis. | Lirón | waren | rat | N | root | waren | rat | noted by Sánchez 2010, but in none of the other dictionaries, excepting Chilidúgu I p220 |
204. Tuvve devve | Talpa. | Topo | t'uwe dewü | earth mouse | N N | root root | t'uwe dewü | earth mouse | |
205. Tevva | Canis. | Perro | trewa | dog | N | root | trewa | dog | |
206. Pulpeo | vulpes. | Zorra | kulpew | fox | N | root | kulpew | fox | The 'P' spelling is probably a transmission error. This is the larger Andean fox known also as Culpeo in English and Spanish (Lycalopex culpaeus). |
207. Noquen | Vrsa. | Osa | noken | coypu/nutria | N | root | noken | coypu/nutria | Chon?:noquenprobably 'Myocastor coypus', the word is attested as 'Nutria' in an 1875 Hidrographic report, where an indiginous person from the 'Las Guaitecas' islands, south of Chiloé gives the word 'noque'. The idiginous person is said to speak 'payo' and to reflect 'ancient Chon', although most words transcribed are clearly Mapudungun. (Thanks to RBA) |
208. Lame | phoca. | Foca | l'ame | sea lion | N | root | l'ame | sea lion | |
209. Lemo cuchi | aper. | Jabalí | lemu kuchi | forest pig | N N | root root | lemu kuchi | forest pig | from spa 'cochi', used to call pigs |
210. Chumam | Cervus. | Ciervo | Chünam | deer(huemul) | N | root | Chünam | deer(huemul) | Tehuelche:Shünam.This seems to be a word shared with the Tehuelche language. Alredy in 1670 the Jesuit Nicolás Mascardi gives the form 'chunanes' for ‘venado’ in the vecinity of Lake Nahuelhuapi. Musters (1911) gives 'shóen' for ‘large deer', Lehmann-Nitsche (1915-16) gives 'shün-nam' or 'shǚnam' for ‘venado’ and Schmid (1910) 'sōnem' for 'deer'. I am greateful to Carlos Leiva for advancing this possibility. Alternatively, this could simply be a miscommunication, meaning 'what for?' |
211. Puedo | hircus marinus. | Chivo marino | püdu | pudu | N | root | püdu | pudu | original has latin 'hircus marinus'. 'hircus' is reasonable, as early descriptions talk of the pudu being a type of mountain goat (see Sánchez, 2010). The 'marinus' element is hard to interpret |
212. Quelen | cauda. | Cola | külen | tail | N | root | külen | tail | |
213. Chilivvequi | ovi Chilensis. | Oveja chilena | chilliweke | chilihueque | N | root | chilliweke | chilihueque | This refers to the 'Chilean sheep', actually a domesticated camelid, probably related to the guanaco. The use of 'weke' for sheep is attested even by Augusta. The nature of the word Chili hiere is of particular interest. |
214. Zunem | avis. | Ave | üñüm | bird | N | root | üñüm | bird | |
215. Lyppe | pluma. | Pluma, escama | lüpe | feather(large) | N | root | lüpe | feather(large) | |
216. Mepoi inem | Ala. | Ala | müpü üñüm | wing bird | N N | root root | müpü üñüm | wing bird | |
217. Guelem Inem | vestis è plumis. | Vestido hecho de plumas | külen üñüm | tail bird | N N | root root | külen üñüm | tail bird | possibly 'külen'='tail', but it is hard to make this compatible with the Latin |
218. Dani Inem | Nidus. | Nido | dañe üñüm | nest bird | N N | root root | dañe üñüm | nest bird | |
219. Achavval | gallina. | Gallina | achawall | hen | N | root | achawall | hen | |
220. Alchahavval | gallus. | Gallo | alkaachawall | cockrel | N | root root | alka achawall | male birdhen | morpheme boundary unclear |
221. Pylken | Anas. | Pato | pilmaykeñ | swallow | N | root | pilmaykeñ | swallow | given as 'duck', possibly a different animal such as a swan 'pingadu' |
222. Pilo | Surdus. | Sordo | pilu | deaf | AJ | root | pilu | deaf | |
223. Hilca | Monoculus. | Tuerto | wilkar | cross-eye | AJ | root | wilkar | cross-eye | possibly a cataract, 'trirka=nube en la córnea' according to Augusta. He also gives 'wilkar nge' as 'ojo torcido' or 'extropium' |
224. Topilgen | strabus. | Estrábico | trongfülnge | cross-eyes | N | root | trongfül | lame/crooked/twisted | in Febrés we find 'trompül/tromvül', in Valdivia it's 'trompl' |
225. Topil | claudus. | Cojo | trongfül | lame/crooked/twisted | N | root | trongfül | lame/crooked/twisted | in Febrés we find 'trompül/tromvül', in Valdivia it's 'trompl' |
226. Jeca | corvus. | Cuervo | yeku | cormoran | N | root | yeku | cormoran | thanks to RBA |
227. Buica | putter. | -- | diwka | diuca finch | N | root | diwka | diuca finch | the word is given in Dutch as 'putter', menaning 'goldfinch' – Febrés also gives 'viwka' as 'diuca, pajarito' |
228. Guereo | turdus. | Tordo | kürew | thrush | N | root | kürew | thrush | tordo in Spanish |
229. Tuco | buho. | Búho (bubo, onis) | tuku | Magellanic Horned Owl | N | root | tuku | Magellanic Horned Owl | See Lenz 1910 'tucúquere' referring to 'bubo magellanicus' which he says is onomatopoeic and certaintly Mapudungun, if not listed in the dictionary record. Also possibly 'nuku' a short-eared owl (Otus brachyotus). Thanks to RBA |
230. Cogo | Cuculus. | Cuclillo (ave) | kongo | rufous-legged owl | N | root | kong | rufous-legged owl | Possibly the same root as 'congcong', which refers to the rufous-legged owl (Strix rufipes). There is also a place in Chiloé by the name 'cogomo', presumably 'place of owls', according to RBA. Alternatively, could be `kono', the common wood pigeon, Columba palumbus. |
231. Uullyn | Apis. | Abeja | llulliñ/diulliñ | bee | N | root | llulliñ/diulliñ | bee | double-l probably misread as capital 'U' |
232. Pulli | Musca. | Mosca | pül'u | fly | N | root | pül'u | fly | |
233. Uulgn Musky | apum rex. | Rey de las abejas | llulliñ/diulliñ mishki | bee honey | N N | root root | llulliñ/diulliñ mishki | bee honey | Quechua:misk'i |
234. Petar | Pediculus. | Piojo | pütrar | louse(clothes) | N | root | pütrar | louse(clothes) | |
235. Nerem | Pulex. | Pulga | nerüm | flea | N | root | nerüm | flea | |
236. Piro | Vermis. | Gusano | piru | worm | N | root | piru | worm | |
237. Culculla | Formica. | Hormiga | collella | ant | N | root | collella | ant | |
238. Cunincunin | Cicada. | Cigarra | kuningkuning | cricket | N | root | kuningkuning | cricket | |
239. Vilo | Anguis. | Serpiente | filu | snake | N | root | filu | snake | |
240. Bylcum | Lacerta. | Lagarto | fillkuñ | lizard | N | root | fillkuñ | lizard | |
241. Ponono | Bufo. | Sapo | ponono | toad | N | root | ponono | toad | |
242. Challua | Piscis. | Pez | challwa | fish | N | root | challwa | fish | |
243. Cavvel | delphinus. | Delfín | kawel | dolphin | N | root | kawel | dolphin | see Cañas 1911 |
244. Jene | balena. | Ballena | yene | whale | N | root | yene | whale | |
245. Uouqui | Арuа. | Anchoa (aphye), boquerón | ? | anchovy? | N | root | ? | ? | |
246. Vilo chalva | anguilla. | Anguila | filu+challwa | eel | N | root root | filu challwa | snakefish | |
247. Chadituel chalva | pisces saliti. | Peces salados | chaditunel challwa | salted fish | V N | root sfx sfx root | chadi tu el challwa | salt-vblz-nmlz fish | |
248. Anquen chalva | indurati. | Endurecidos (curtidos) | angkün challwa | dry fish | AJ N | root root | angkün challwa | dry fish | |
249. Quin pilon | ostrea. | Ostras | kum pilun? | oyster? | NC | root root | kum pilun | mollusc?ear | RBA suggests 'kum+pilun'. Compare 'kumkewün' or 'cunquehuén' as the name for a different kind of mollusc (machas – Mesodesma donacium), still used in Chiloé. Here the 'kum' element probably means 'red' and the 'kewün' element means 'tongue', which is accurate in reference to these molluscs. The 'red' meaning is less apt for oysters. |
250. Chapes | Musculi. | Almejas | chapes | mussel | N | root | chapes | mussel | see Sánchez 2010 'Fissurella crassa' is the technical name of the mollusc |
251. Melon | cochlea. | Caracol// concha | mülon | sea snail | N | root | mülon | sea snail | See Febrés – thanks to RBA |
252. Coinouvv | astacus, cancer. | Langosta, cangrejo | koynawe | crab | N | root | koynawe | crab | |
253. Quichiquinchio | Falco. | Halcón | küchiküchi | kestrel | N | root | küchiküchi | kestrel | probably an onomatopoeia – Sp:cernicalo |
254. Manco | Aguila. | Águila | mañke | condor | N | root | mañke | condor | given as 'eagle' as the bird was likely unknown to the Dutch |
255. Choroi | Psittacus. | Loro | choroy | parrot | N | root | choroy | parrot | See Sánchez, 2010 'Enicognathus leptorhynchus' |
256. Poo | Ramus. | Rama | rog? | woodpecker/branch? | N | root | rog? | woodpecker/branch? | 'rog' Febrés? BVA |
257. Kempo mamel | truncus. | Tronco | kümpu mamüll | chunk tree | N N | root root | kümpu mamüll | chunk tree | a chopped piece, in this case of a tree trunk, hence the gloss as 'truncus' |
258. Bope mamel | lignum aridum. | Árbol seco (madera) | ? mamüll | dry? tree | ? N | root root | ? mamüll | ? tree | |
259. Nebue | Nux avellana. | Avellana | ngefü | Chilean hazelnut | N | root | ngefü | Chilean hazelnut | This is the Chilean hazelnut (Gevuina avellana) of the Proteaceae family (RBA). |
260. Nido Ivvas | Vitis. | Vid | ñido ufas | stem grapes | N N | root root | ñido ufas | stem grapes | Sp:uvas |
261. Nidu | stipes. | Palo, tronco de árbol | ñido | stem | N | root | ñido | stem | |
262. Uaguen | fraga. | Fresas | llaweñ | strawberry | N | root | llaweñ | strawberry | 'U' probably confused with 'll' in ms. |
263. Couchouvv | ribes nigrae. | Casis//grosellas negras | kauchawe? | cauchao(fruit of the luma) | N | root | kochü | cauchao(fruit of the luma) | Technically, as pointed out to me by RBA, the fruit of the 'luma' tree (Amomyrtus luma), possibly related to the word 'kochü-' for sweet. See Lenz's Diccionario Etimológico Nº 159 where the form 'cauchahue' is given next to 'cauchao' |
264. Litue | fungi. | Hongos | ? | mushroom? | ? | root | ? | ? | possibly 'lig+tu+we'= 'that which grows white'? |
265. Cachu | Herba. | Hierba, pasto | kachu | grass | N | root | kachu | grass | |
266. Pilun Proque | plantago. | Llantén | pilun' pürokiñ | ear burr | N N | root root | pilun' pürokiñ | ear burr | broadleaf plantain (plantago major), see also Valdivia 'huequepilun', meaning 'hoja de llantén' and Augusta 'pillunweke' for 'llantén' – with thanks to RBA |
267. Calicai | trifolium. | Trébol | kallekalle | New Zealand satin flower | N | root | kallekalle | New Zealand satin flower | according to the Latin it is 'clover', which could be 'kalmin=scum' but it's not clear how the ending is to be parsed. Here we follow RBA in saying its probably the New Zealand satin flower `kalle-kalle' (Libertia chilensis). There is clearly reduplication, which probably relates to its abundance. |
268. Curi | urtica. | Ortiga | kuri | nettle | N | root | kuri | nettle | |
269. P ragyn | flores. | Flores | pu rayen | flower | PL N | sfx root | pu rayen | particle flower | |
270. Manen | Semen. | Semilla | mangen | seed | N | root | mangen | seed | |
271. Methen | farina. | Harina | mütrowün | dust off | V | root sfx | mütrow (ü)n | dust off-inf | possibly a confusion between 'flour' and 'dust' |
272. Chiquelen | furfur. | Salvado | chikülün | remove chaff | V | root sfx | chikül (ü)n | chaff-inf | specifically, toasted chaff |
273. Gueli Uanca | Corallum. | Coral | kelü llangka | red bead | N | root root | kelü llngka | redbead | probably made from coral – the question was probably about the material rather than the object |
274. Kispy | vitrum. | Vidrio | kispi | glass | N | root | kispi | glass | Quechua:q'ispilluthis is a very good candidate for a Quechua borrowing 'Q'ispillu' |
275. Cudi | lapis molaris. | Piedra de moler | kudi | millstone | N | root | kudi | millstone | |
276. Pel | limus. gluten. | Barro, pegamento | pel'e | mud | N | root | pel'e | mud | |
277. Tassaquido | tributum. | Tributo | tasado | tax | N | root | tasado | tax | Sp:tassadoprobably a Spanish or Latin borrowing. |
278. Quengu | dos. | Dote | kengu | dowry | N | root | kengu | dowry | see Febrés 'pagar mantas u otra hacienda por las mujeres que llevan.' |
279. Dereno Culÿn | debitum. | Deuda | defen? küllin | owe payment | V N | root sfx root sfx | defer enew kulli (ü)n | owe-ind3-1s pay-nmlz | potentially from Spanish 'deber' 'küllin' is closely related to 'külliñ' 'animal' in the sense of livestock, often used as a form of payment. For the meaning 'animal' it seems that the final nasal is always palatalised, wich may indicate it has been lexicalised as such. |
280. Culÿn | Merces. | Pago | küllin | payment | N | root sfx | kulli (ü)n | pay-nmlz | 'küllin' is closely related to 'külliñ' 'animal' in the sense of livestock, often used as a form of payment. For the meaning 'animal' it seems that the final nasal is always palatalised, wich may indicate it has been lexicalised as such. |
281. Nillavvyn | precium redemptionis, lytrum. | Precio de liberación, rescate | ngillawün | buy back | V | root sfx sfx | ngilla (ü)w (ü)n | buy-reflex-inf | |
282. Aucantupain | Jocularia. | Bromas | awkantupan | play around | V | root sfx sfx sfx | awkan tu pa (ü)n | rebel-vblz-cis-inf | |
283. Quyn | unum. | Uno | kiñe | one | NUM | root | kiñe | one | |
284. Eppo | duo. | Dos | epu | two | NUM | root | epu | two | |
285. Quila | tria. | Tres | küla | three | NUM | root | küla | three | |
286. Meli | quatuor. | Cuatro | meli | four | NUM | root | meli | four | |
287. Quechu | quinque. | Cinco | kechu | five | NUM | root | kechu | five | |
288. Cuyn | sex. | Seis | kayu | six | NUM | root | kayu | six | |
289. Relgi | septem. | Siete | regle | seven | NUM | root | regle | seven | |
290. Pura | octo. | Ocho | pura | eight | NUM | root | pura | eight | |
291. Ailla | novem. | Nueve | aylla | nine | NUM | root | aylla | nine | |
292. Mari pataco (?) | centum. | Cien | mari pataka | ten hundred | NUM NUM | root root | mari pataka | ten hundred | Quechuan/Aymara:patakaa word that appears also in Quechua and Aymara |
293. VVarama | mille. | Mil | warangka | thousand | NUM | root | warangka | thousand | Quechuan/Aymara:waranqaa word that appears also in Quechua and Aymara |
294. Guiltui | nucleus. | Núcleo, centro blando | ? | nucleus? | ? | root | kiltuy | ? | in DCL it appears as 'quiltui' |
295. Tapel | frondes. | Follaje | tapül | leaf | N | root | tapül | leaf | |
296. Nul | cortex. | Corteza | ngül | peel/skin/tree-bark | N | root | ngül | peel/skin/tree-bark | see Smeets 'ngül-' meaning 'to shell' |
297. Aliquem | arbor. | Árbol | aliwen | tree | N | root | aliwen | tree | |
298. VVul | radix. | Raíz | folil | root | N | root | folil | root | Febrés gives 'vül' side-by-side with 'volil' |
299. Jnei pingeimi | quomodo vocaris?. | ¿Cómo te llamas? | iney pingen | you(s) be called | PP V | sfx root sfx sfx | iney pi nge imi | 2s say-pass-ind2s | |
300. Juan pingen | vocor Johannes. | Me llamo Juan | juan pingen | John be called | NP V | root root sfx sfx | juan pi nge (ü)n | John say-pass-ind1s | Sp:Juan |
301. Cheo Ruaimi | quò vadis? | ¿Adónde vas? | chew run | where pass/go | WH V | particle root sfx sfx | chew ru a imi | where pass-fut-ind2s | |
302. Moppo Mu ruam | Eo rus. | Voy al campo | mapu mew run | land/earth in/on/with/at pass/go | N P V | root root root sfx sfx | mapu mew ru a (ü)n | land/earth in/on/with/at pass-fut-ind1s | |
303. Cheo tuimi | Vnde venis? | ¿De dónde vienes? | chew tuwün | where come | WH V | particle root sfx | chew tuw imi | where come-ind2s | |
304. Ni ro ca mo toun | Venio domo. | Vengo de mi casa | ñi ruka mew tuwün | my house in/on/with/at come | PP N P V | sfx root root root sfx | ñi ruka mew tuw (ü)n | 1s house in/on/with/at come-ind1s | |
305. Chumel quipa tuai mi | quando venies? | ¿Cuándo vendrás? | chumül küpa tuwün | how long/when want come | WH AUX V | particle pfx root sfx sfx | chumül küpa tuw a imi | how long/when want come-fut-ind2s | |
306. Chumel Prutuai mi | quando ibis? | ¿Cuándo irás? | chumül püran | how long/when go up | WH V | particle root sfx sfx sfx | chumül püra tu a imi | how long/when go up-rest-fut-ind2s | |
307. Ale Prungi tam ruca | domus tua longe abest? | ¿Tu casa está lejos? | al'üpürangen tami ruka | be very far up your house | V PP N | root root sfx sfx sfx root | al'ü püra nge iy tami ruka | verygo up-vblz-ind3 2s house | |
308. Picheruangei | prope est. | Está cerca | püchiruangen | be a bit going | V | root root sfx sfx sfx | püchi ru a nge iy | smallpass-fut-pass-ind3 | |
309. Ale Prungei | longius est. | Está más lejos | al'üpürangen | be very far up | V | root root sfx sfx | al'ü püra nge iy | verygo up-pass-ind3 | |
310. Inchi quiparu n camappu mu | Cogito in alias regiones. | Pienso en otras regiones | iñche küparun kamapu mew | I/me want to go other land/far in/on/with/at | PN V N P | sfx pfx root sfx root root root | iñche küpa ru n ka mapu mew | 1s wantpass-ind1s again/otherland/earth in/on/with/at | |
311. Chemnibla quiparui mi camappu mu | Cur in alias regiones cogitas? | ¿Por qué piensas en otras regiones? | chem ñi füla küparun kamapu mew | why/what its cause want to go other land/far in/on/with/at | WH PP N V N P | particle sfx root pfx root sfx root root root | chem ñi füla küpa ru imi ka mapu mew | why/what 3 cause-wantpass-ind2s again/otherland/earth in/on/with/at | |
312. Merelya tiva mappu mu | Nulla hic victualia. | Aquí no (existe)ningún suministro | mürün tüfa mapu mew | breed land/earth in/on/with/at | V DP N P | sfx ind3 sfx root root | la iy tüfa mapu mew | neg- DP land/earth in/on/with/at | from 'mür' pair. note DLC has 'merelaya' |
313. Aleibelai tvva chi tipanto beniblaale geniepayn | Annus hic sterilis fuit, ideò egemus. | Este año fue estéril, tenemos necesidad | al'ün tüfachi tripantu fey ñi füla al'ü ngüñün | be abundant this/these year this/these its cause very be hungry | V D N D PP N AV V | root sfx sfx sfx root root root sfx root root root sfx sfx sfx | al'ü we la iy tüfachi tripantu fey ñi füla al'ü ngün ye pa (iy)iñ | very-psist-neg-ind3 this/these year this/these-3 cause very hungry-cf-cis-ind1p | |
314. Cheo mappungen tami chau | in qua regione vivit pater tuus? | ¿En qué región vive tu padre? | chew mapungen tami chaw | where reside your father/sonny | WH V PP N | particle root sfx sfx sfx root | chew mapu nge (ü)n tami chaw | where land/earth-vblz-inf 2s father/sonny | |
315. Alueiei | Daemon abstulit. | El demonio se alejó | alweyen | taken by a spirit | V | sfx sfx | alwe ye iy | dead person (their soul)-vblz-ind3 | |
316. Aieimi ruaju inchio | vis comitari? | ¿Quieres acompañarme? | ayün run iñchiw | want/love/like go we/us two | V V PN | root sfx root sfx sfx sfx | ay imi rua a ju iñchiw | want/love/like-ind2s go-future-ind1d 1d | |
317. Ailan | Nolo. | No quiero | ayün | want/love/like | V | root sfx sfx | ay la (ü)n | want/love/like-neg-ind1s | |
318. Aien | volo. | Quiero | ayün | want/love/like | V | root sfx | ay (ü)n | want/love/like-ind1s | |
319. Chuben quecken neieimi tania | habes quod edas. | Tienes algo que comer | tunten kekün nien tami | how much/how many grains have your(s) | WH N V PP | particle root root sfx sfx | tunten kekün nie imi tami | how much/ how many grains have-ind2s-2s | literally 'grounds' not sure what final 'a' stands for |
320. Cancan achavval neen | sunt mihi gallinae assatae. | Tengo gallinas asadas | kangkang achawall nien | barbacue/roast hen have | AJ N V | root root root sfx | kangkang achawell nie (ü)n | barbacue/roast hen have-ind1s | |
321. Mu vvy | quot? | ¿Cuántas? | mufü | how much/how many | WH | particle | mufü | how much/how many | |
322. Munalei enchin tavia | sufficient nobis. | Suficiente para nosotros | münalen iñchiñ trafiya? | be a lot we/us last night | V PN AV | root sfx sfx sfx root | müna le iy iñchiñ trafuya | very-vblz-ind3 1p last night | the word 'last night' is not included in the Latin translation. 'tavia' might be the Spanish word 'todavía'? Otherwise 'tufa' or the particle ta+ somthing |
323. Chuben putuayn | ubi bibemos? | ¿Dónde bebemos? | tunten pütun | how much/many drink | WH V | particle root sfx sfx | tunten pütu a iñ | how much/many drink-fut-ind1p | the original translation is 'ubi' or 'where' |
324. Aile mangunmeinis | ago tibi gratias. | Te doy las gracias | ayün mañumün eymi | want/love/like be thankful you(s) | V V PN | root sfx root sfx sfx | ay li mañum (ü)n eymi | want/love-subj1s thank-inf 2s | |
325. Chuben domo triva | quae ista mulier? | ¿Quién (es) esta mujer? | tunten domo tüfa | who woman this/these | WH N D | particle root root | tunten domo tüfa | how much/many woman this/these | normally, this would be 'tuchi' or 'iney' for the meaning 'who'. tunten usually means 'how much' |
326. Inchi tan Curi | est mea uxor. | Es mi mujer | iñche tañi kure | I/me my wife | PN PP N | sfx sfx root | iñche tañi kure | 1s 1s wife | |
327. Ni nave | mea filia. | Mi hija | ñi ñawe | my daughter (of a man) | PN N | sfx root | ñi ñawe | 1s daughter (of a man) | |
328. Ni domo | mea concubina. | Mi concubina | ñi domo | my woman | PN N | sfx root | ñi dome | 1s woman | |
329. Ale teminigei vei domo | est femina pulchra. | Es una bonita mujer | al'ü tremongen fey domo | very be beautiful this/these woman | AJ V D N | root root sfx sfx root root | al'ü tremo nge iy fey dome | very beautiful-vblz-ind3 this/these woman | |
330. Quipangnei | veni huc. | Ven acá | kipan | come | V | root sfx | küpa nge | come-imp2s | |
331. Amotunge | abi. | Vete | amutun | go back | V | root sfx sfx | amu tu nge | go-rest-imp2s | |
332. Vmatuayn | eamus cubitum. | Vamos a la cama | umawtun | go to sleep | V | root sfx sfx sfx | umag tu a iñ | dream-vblz-fut-ind1p | |
333. Vtaju ca | Surgamus. | Levantémonos | wütran ka | get up other/also | V AV | root sfx root | wütra yu ka | get up-ind1d other/also | |
334. VVira Cuchai Compay tan map(p)u mu | Hispani invaserunt has terras. | Los españoles invadieron estas tierras | wirakocha konpan taiñ land mew | Spaniard/non-Mapuche enter our land/earth in/on/with/at | NP V PP N P | root root sfx sfx sfx root root | wirakocha kon pa y taiñ mapu mew | Spaniard/non-Mapuche enter-cis-ind3 1p land/earth in/on/with/at | Quechua:wiraqucha-'white/non-indigenous person'.from the Quechua word for the creator diety |
335. Quipa VVaicha laimi | vis ne unà pugnare. | ¿Quieres pelear juntos? | küpaweychan | fight | V | pfx root sfx sfx | küpa weycha la imi | wantfight-neg-ind2s | |
336. VVaiquinagelan | Carteoarmis. | (no tengo armas) | waykingen | have a spear | V | root sfx sfx sfx | wayki nge la (ü)n | spear-vblz-neg-ind1s | |
337. Ina ên pea in VVaiqui | sequere me, potiemur armorum | Sígueme, obtendremos armas | inan pen wayki | follow see spear | V V N | root imp2p root sfx sfx root | ina mün pe a iñ wayki | follow- see-fut-ind1p spear | |
338. Ali teum inche | sum contentus. | Estoy contento | al'ü trem iñche | very grown I/me | AV AJ PN | root root sfx | al'ü trem iñche | very grown 1s | possibly meaning full or satisfied as per the Latin gloss 'contentus'? |
339. Pelli | Anima. | Alma | püllü | soul | N | root | pülli | soul | |
340. Calel | Corpus. | Cuerpo | kalül | body | N | root | kalül | body | |
341. Lai calel | cadaver. | Cadáver | l'an kalül | die body | AJ N | root sfx root | l'a iy kalül | die-ind3 body | |
342. Vên | Caro. | Carne | fün' | flesh/muscle | N | root | fün' | flesh/muscle | |
343. Molvin | Sanguis. | Sangre | mollfuñ | blood | N | root | mollfuñ | blood | |
344. Boro | tibia, crus. | Tibia, pierna | foro | bone/tooth | N | root | foro | bone | |
345. Telqui | membrana. | Piel, membrane | trulke | skin/leather/membrane | N | root | trulke | skin/leather/membrane | |
346. Ven | nervus. | Nervio | fün' | flesh/muscle | N | root | fün' | flesh/muscle | |
347. Uen moluim | vena. | Vena | fün' mollfuñ | flesh/muscle blood | N N | root root | fün mollfuñ | flesh/muscle blood | |
348. Lonco | caput. | Cabeza | longko | head/chief | N | root | longko | head/chief | |
349. Tol | pom. | (frente) | tol' | forehead | N | root | tol' | forehead | |
350. Lenglen | cranium. | Cráneo | lengleng | skull | N | root | lengleng | skull | |
351. Lonco | capilli. | Cabello | longko | head/chief | N | root | longko | head/chief | gloss says 'capilli', meaning hair. |
352. Teren lonco | canicies. | Canas | trüren longko | grey hair head/chief | N N | root root | trüren longko | grey hair head/chief | |
353. Lolo | cerebrum. | Cerebro | lolo | hole | N | root | lolo | hole | the word 'lolo' in Febres and Augusta is a hole, rather than the glossed 'brain' – it appear to be a miscommunication |
354. Angen | vultus. | Rostro | ange | face | N | root | ange | face | |
355. Taun | genae. | Mejillas | trawün | cheek | N | root | trawün | cheek | |
356. Ne | oculi. | Ojos | nge | eye | N | root | nge | eye | |
357. Tacune | membra. | Miembros | takun | cover | N | root | takun | cover | 'takun' is a cover or dress in later vocabularies, here it refers to 'membra' which could mean a sexual organ or any part of the body. There is also the term 'tritrakunun' which means 'leave naked' according to Augusta. This may be a root 'tri-' such as in 'tripan', 'exit', plus an otherwise unrecorded term for 'penis' |
358. Denen | supercilia. | Cejas | düñiñ | eyebrow | N | root | düñiñ | eyebrow | |
359. Ua VVingne | cilia. | Pestañas | llawinge | eyelid | N | root | llawinge | eyelid | |
360. Ju | Nasus. | Nariz | yüw | nose | N | root | yüw | nose | |
361. Pelo ju | nares. | Fosas nasales | pulul yüw | hole nose | N N | root root | pulul yüw | hole nose | |
362. Merum | Mucus. | Moco (nasal) | merun | mucus | N | root | merun | mucus | |
363. Pilum | aures. | Orejas | pilun | ear | N | root | pilun | ear | |
364. Oun | os. | Boca | wün' | mouth | N | root | wün' | mouth | |
365. Adem | sudor. | Sudor | adüm | hot | AJ | root | adüm | hot | found in Febrés. Also found in Valdivia as 'admin' |
366. Quevven | lingua. | Lengua | kewün' | tongue | N | root | kewün' | tongue | |
367. Melbue | labia. | Labios | mellfü | lips | N | root | mellfü | lips | |
368. Boru | dentes. | Dientes | foro | bone/tooth | N | root | foro | bone/tooth | |
369. Ilga | dens molaris. | Muela | üllnga | molar | N | root | üllnga | molar | |
370. Bida bida | palatum. | Paladar | fidafida | palate | N | root | fidafida | palate | |
371. Co un | sputum. | Escupo, esputo | ko wün' | water mouth | N N | root root | ko wün' | water mouth | |
372. Rulmevve | guttur. | Garganta | rulmewe | esophagus | N | root | rulmewe | esophagus | |
373. Neên | spiritus. | Aliento | n'eyen' | breath | N | root | n'eyen' | breath | |
374. Quette | mentum. | Mentón | ketre | chin | N | root | ketre | chin | |
375. Paiun | barba. | Barba | payun' | beard | N | root | payun' | beard | |
376. Pylco | collum. | Cuello | pilko | throat | N | root | pilko | throat | found in Febrés |
377. Pel | cervix. | Nuca | pel' | neck | N | root | pel' | neck | |
378. Lipan | humerus. | Hombro | lipang | arm | N | root | lipang | arm | given as 'shoulder' here and in Febrés, but as 'arm' in Augusta and elsewhere |
379. Puilpa | bracchium. | Brazo | pu lipang | inside the arm | N | root root | pu lipang | insidearm | |
380. Cue | manus. | Mano | kug | hand | N | root | kug | hand | |
381. Man cue | dextra. | Mano derecha | man kug | right hand | AJ N | root root | man kug | right hand | |
382. VVele coe | sinistra. | Mano izquierda | wele kug | left hand | AJ N | root root | wele kug | left hand | |
383. Puley cue | vola. | Palma de la mano | pülay kug | palm/sole hand | N N | root root | pülay kug | palm/sole hand | |
384. Changel cue | digiti. | Dedos | changüll kug | finger hand | N N | root root | changüll kug | finger hand | |
385. Buta changel | pollex. | Pulgar | füta changüll | old/big finger | AJ N | root root | füta changüll | old/big finger | |
386. VVili | ungues. | Garras/uñas | wil'i | nail | N | root | wil'i | nail | |
387. Zevo | pectus. | Pecho | rüku | chest | N | root | rüku | chest | |
388. Moju | Mamilla. | Tetilla, seno | moyo | breast | N | root | moyo | breast | |
389. Pue | Venter. | Vientre | pue | womb | N | root | pue | womb | |
390. VVeddo | umbilicus | Ombligo | füdo | navel | N | root | füdo | navel | |
391. Cadi | costae. | Costillas | kadi | rib | N | root | kadi | rib | |
392. Buri | dorsum. | Espalda | furi | back | N | root | furi | back | |
393. Anca | lumbi. | Lomos, parte baja de la espalda | angka | torso | N | root | angka | torso | given as 'lumbi' or 'loins', but in Augusta it's given as the body's middle and 'vientre' |
394. Quichio | nates. | Nalgas | küchiw | anus | N | root | küchiw | anus | |
395. Penem | penis. | Pene | pünün | penis | N | root | küchiw | penis | |
396. Collu | Tostes, colei. | Testículos | kollud? | loose/hanging water | N | root root | ko llud | waterloose | meaning 'testicle or scrotum' according to the Latin. possibly 'kudañ' BVA |
397. Metu | muliebria. | (cosas) femeninas | metru | vagina | N | root | metru | vagina | |
398. Chan | femora. | Muslos | chang | branch/leg | N | root | chang | branch/leg | |
399. Lucu | Genua. | Rodillas | luku | knee | N | root | luku | knee | |
400. VVethuntoy | poples. | Comba de la rodilla | wetrafüntroy | joint | N | root sfx root | wetraf (ü)n troy | bend back-infjoint | see Febrés 'wetron'=break; Augusta 'wetraftripan/wetrafün'=doblarse para atrás (el cuerpo de un animal) |
401. Toy | Tibia. | Canilla (tubo, tibia) | troy | joint | N | root | troy | joint | given here as 'tibia' |
402. Hemum | surae. | Pantorrilla | kümon | calf | N | root | kümon | calf | given as 'lower leg/calf' |
403. Namon | pes. | Pie | n'amün' | foot | N | root | n'amün' | foot | |
404. Changil Namen | articuli pedum. | Articulaciones de los pies | changüll n'amün' | finger foot | N N | root root | changüll n'amün' | finger foot | |
405. Prencoy Namen | talus pedis. | Tobillo, talón del pie | rüngkoy n'amün' | heel foot | N N | root root | rüngkoy n'amün' | heel foot | |
406. Puley Namen | planta pedis. | Planta del pie | pülay n'amün' | palm/sole foot | N N | root root | pülay n'amün' | palm/sole foot | |
407. Piuque | cor (ris). | Corazón | piwke | heart | N | root | piwke | heart | |
408. VVocun | pulmo. | Pulmón | fukuñ | liver | N | root | fukuñ | liver | here given as 'lung' |
409. Que | stomachus | Estómago | ke | liver/viscera | N | root | ke | liver | here given as 'stomach' |
410. Curi que | hepar. | Hígado | kurü ke | black liver | AJ N | root root | kurü ke | black liver | |
411. Uecaque | Lien. | Bazo | llükanke | spleen | N | root | llükanke | spleen | |
412. Quelche | intestina. | Intestinos | külche | intestine | N | root | külche | intestine | |
413. Villin | vesica. urina. | Vejiga, orina | willen | bladder | N | root | willen | bladder | Febrés gives 'bladder' but Augusta only gives 'urine' |
414. Mee | stercus. | Estiércol | me | excrement | N | root | me | excrement | |
415. Perquen | crepitus ventris. | Chasquido del vientre | perkün | fart | V | root | perkün | fart | |
416. Nomoy | foetor. | Hedor | n'ümün | stink | V | root sfx | n'ümü iy | stink-ind3 | |
417. Pelengsley | aranea. | Araña//telaraña//herpes | pül'ü? | spider? | ? | ? | ? | spider? | possibly having a similar root to 'llallüng' ('ordinary spider' in Augusta) and 'pül' which many insect names begin with |
418. Inche | ego. | Yo | iñche | I/me | PN | root | iñche | I/me | |
419. Eimi | tu. | Tú | eymi | you(s) | PN | root | eymi | you(s) | |
420. Tubei | ille. | Él, aquel | tüfey | that | D | root | tüfey | that | |
421. Inchen | nos. | Nosotros | iñchiñ | we/us | PN | root | iñchiñ | we/us | |
422. Tecengen eimen | vos | Vosotros | teyengün eymün | they/them you(p) | V PN | root root | teyengün eymün | they/them(PN3p) you(PN2p) | RBA notes that DCL has 'teinengen' which is likely equivalent to the form found in Valdivia (1606-10v) |
423. Liengen | illi. | Ellos, aquellos | teyengün | they/them | PN | root | teyengün | they/them(PN3p) | RBA notes that DCL has 'teinengen' which is likely equivalent to the form found in Valdivia (1606-10v) |
424. Emma | ita. | Así | may | yes | AV | root | may | yes | Febrés gives 'emay' as an option |
425. Muh | non. | No | mü | no | NEG | root | mü | no | |
426. Pichumei | prope. | Cerca// casi | püchingen | be small | V | root sfx sfx | püchi nge iy | small-vblz-ind3 | |
427. Ale rungei | Procul. | Lejos | al'ü rungen | very be beyond | AJ V | root root sfx sfx | al'ü ru nge iy | very pass-pass-ind3 | |
428. Taymen | contra. | Contra | tragün | come/go receive | V | root sfx sfx | trag me (ü)n | pass on-and-inf | according to Febrés the root alters with 'trav', probably related to 'trafkiñ' |
429. VVoecuu | foris. | Fuera | wekun | outside | AV | root | wekün | outside | |
430. Compay | intus. | Dentro | kompan | enter here | N | root sfx sfx | kom pa iy | enter-cis-ind3 | |
431. Pulon | infra. | Bajo | pulün | be inside | AV | root sfx sfx | pu le (ü)n | inside-vblz-inf | |
432. VVono | Supra. | Sobre | wenu | above/up | AV | root | wenu | above/up/sky/heaven/weather | |
433. Buri | post. | Detrás | furi | back | N | root | furi | back | of the human body or any object |
434. Junengen | ante. | Delante | wünengen | be before/first | V | root sfx sfx | wünengen nge (ü)n | before/first-vblz-inf | |
435. Quelleb | juxta. | Junto | püllüf? | narrow/fine | AJ | root | püllüf? | narrow/fine | |
436. Munai | satis. | Suficiente | münan | be a lot/enough | V | root sfx | müna iy | much/enough-ind3 | |
437. Alengei | nimium. | Demasiado | al'üngen | be a lot/too much | V | root sfx sfx | al'ü nge iy | very-vblz-ind3 | |
438. Munalai | nimis parum. | Demasiado poco | münan | be a lot/enough | N | root sfx sfx | müna la iy | much/enough-neg-ind3 | |
439. Chem i bla | Cur? | ¿Por qué? | chem ñi füla | why/what my/her/his/its/their cause/fault | WH PP N | root root root | chem ñi füla | why/what my/her/his/its/their cause/fault | |
440. Uei ni bla | Ideo? | ¿Así? | fey ñi füla | this/these my/her/his/its/their cause/fault | D PP N | root root root | fey ñi füla | this/these my/her/his/its/their cause/fault | |
441. Uei mai | esto. | allí, a esto | fey may | this/these yes/indeed | D AV | root root | fey may | this/these yes/indeed | |
442. VVei | hic, ille. | Este, aquel | fey | this/these | D | root | fey | this/these | |
443. Temunei | pulcher. | Bonito | tremongen | be beautiful | V | root sfx sfx | tremo nge iy | beautiful-vblz-ind3 | |
444. VVoranei | deformis. | Deforme | wedangen | be bad/ugly | V | root sfx sfx | weda nge iy | bad-vblz-ind3 | |
445. Nevvonei | fortis. | Fuerte, valiente | newenngen | be strong | V | root sfx | newen nge iy | strenght-vblzind3 | |
446. Leptungei | celer. | Rápido | leftungen | be fast | V | root sfx sfx | lef tu nge iy | runajvz-vblz-ind3 | |
447. Chouvvo | piger. | Flojo | chofü | lazy | AJ | root | chofü | lazy | |
448. Alilonconei | valdè sapiens. | Muy sabio | al'ülongkongen | be clever | V | root root sfx sfx | al`ü longko nge iy | veryhead/chief-vblz-ind3 | |
449. VVentannei | gravis. | Pesado | fanetungen | be heavy | V | root sfx sfx sfx | fane tu nge iy | weigh-ajvz-vblz-ind3 | |
450. Queunei | superbus. | Soberbio | kewüngen | be talkative | V | root sfx sfx | kewün nge iy | tongue-vblz-ind3 | given as 'proud' |
451. Culenei | dives. | Rico | ül'menngen? | be rich | V | root sfx sfx | ül'men nge iy | rich/nobleman-vblz-ind3 | the root is uncertain |
452. Cunevval | pauper. | Pobre | kuñifal | poor | N | root | kuñifall | poor | |
453. Toucu | stolidus. | Estúpido | trowku? | stupid? | N | root | trowku? | stupid? | possibly related to 'trowkulen' (Augusta 'to have cracks') |
454. Molgei | nudus. | Desnudo | mollngen | be naked | V | root sfx sfx | moll nge iy | naked-vblz-ind3 | |
455. Ilungei | vestitus. | Vestido | elün | be dressed | V | root sfx sfx | elü nge (ü)n | give-pass-inf | the passive form seems to entail 'wearing' |
456. Queten | angustus. | Angosto | kütrun | be soaked | V | root sfx | kütrun (ü)n | be soaked- | |
457. Anquen | siccus. | Seco | angkün | be dry | V | root sfx | angk (ü)n | dry-inf | |
458. Prequin | avarus. | Avaro | rükün | miserliness | N | root sfx | rükü (ü)n | mezquino-nmlz | following RBA |
459. Prequiboe | liberalis. | Liberal | rüküfe | miser | N | root sfx | rükün fe | mezquino-inst | following RBA |
460. Buta | magnus. | Grande | fücha | big/old | AJ | root | fücha | big/old | |
461. Pichi | Parvus. | Pequeño | püchi | young/small | AJ | root | püchi | young/small | |
462. Montingei | pinguis. | Gordo | motringen | be fat | V | root sfx sfx | motrin nge iy | fat-vblz-ind3 | |
463. Tou Tau | macer. | Flaco | trongli? | thin | AJ | root | trongli | thin | Valdivia has 'tronüun' for 'ser flaco' this must be to be really thin, given the general emphatic meaning of reduplication |
464. Pettun | color. | Color | pütrüm | dye | N | root | pütrüm | dye | |
465. Queli | ruber. | Rojo | kelü | red | AJ | root | kelü | red | |
466. Calbu | coeruleus. | Azul | kallfü | blue | AJ | root | kallfü | blue | |
467. Carel | viridis. | Verde | karü | green | AJ | root | karü | green | |
468. Choot | flavus. | Amarillo | chod | yellow | AJ | root | chod | yellow | |
469. Curi | niger. | Negro | kurü | black | AJ | root | kurü | black | |
470. Lye | albus. | Blanco | lig | white | AJ | root | lig | white | |
471. Nilla cayu | commutare. | Conmutar | ngillan | buy/get | N | root sfx | ngilla ka eyu | buy/getcont-ind1s-2s | |
472. Illuvvyn | dare. | Dar | elun | give | V | root | elu | give | |
473. Tuignei | hilarem esse. | Estar alegre | truyüngen | be glad | V | root | truy | glad | given by both Febrés and Valdivia. In Augusta it's 'truyüwun' probably with the reflexive particle '(u)w' |
474. Umatum | dormire. | Dormir | umawtun | sleep | V | root sfx sfx | umaw tu (ü)n | sleep-rest-inf | |
475. Limen | expergisci. | Despertar | lemün | lift/get up | V | root | lem | lift/get up | |
476. Tangnune | frangere: | Quebrar | trangon | break | V | root sfx | trango (ü)n | break-inf | in Augusta and Smeets it is given as 'trafon', porbably related to 'traf' meaning 'joined/fixed together' and the negative suffix 'nu' |
477. Bemgne | struere. | Construir | femngen | make thus | V | root sfx sfx | fem nge (ü)n | thus-vblz-inf | latin equivalent of 'build' |
478. Playn | invenire. | Encontrar/inventar | pen | see? | V | root sfx sfx | pe la (iy)iñ | see-neg-ind2pl | following RBA |
479. Uangen bÿn | amittere. | Soltar, abandonar, renunciar | wewün? | be defeated | V | root sfx sfx | wew nge fi (ü)n | win-pass-dir3 | |
480. Necul | currere. | Correr | nekul | run/race | N | root | nekul | run/race | |
481. Amon | ire. | Ir | amun | go/walk | V | root sfx | amu (ü)n | go/walk-inf | |
482. Utalenge | stare. | Estar de pie | witran | stay on foot | V | root sfx sfx | witra (kü)le nge | stand-prog-imp2s | |
483. VVi-vvÿn | esse. | Ser /estar/existir | be? | V | root sfx | ? (ü)n | be?-inf | ||
4B4. Chucheleyn | jacere. | Yacer | kudulen | lay down | V | root sfx sfx | kudu (kü)le (iy)iñ | lay down-prog-ind2p | RBA notes that DCL has 'cuchulein' instead of 'chucheleyn' |
485. Tecanen | saltare. | Bailar | trekan | walk/step | V | root sfx | treka (ü)n | walk/step-inf | |
486. Padenatum | cadere. | Caer | ? | fall? | ? | root | ? | ? | |
487. Utalenen | surgere. | Levantarse | witran | stay on foot | V | root | witra | stand | |
488. Auinge | sedere. | Estar sentado | anün | sit | V | root sfx | anü nge | sit-imp2s | 'n' possibly interpreted as 'u' – DCL confirms this as it has 'aninge' |
489. Dimgune | loqui. | Hablar | düngun | speak/think | V | root sfx | düngu (ü)n | thing/news/word/thought-inf | in DCL='dungune' |
490. Temelenge | tacere. | Callar | tünglen | be quiet | V | root sfx sfx | tüng le nge | quiet/peace-vblz-imp2s | |
491. Puronge | canere. | Cantar | pürun | dance | V | root sfx | püru nge | dance-imp2s | given as 'canere' in Latin. Probably interpreted by the informants as the singing and dancing of the Mapuche pürun |
492. Pÿlcunge | clamare. | Gritar | pilkongen | yell | V | root sfx ind3 | pilko nge iy | throat-vblz- | litterally 'use your throat' see Febrés 'kümepilkongey'='have a good voice' |
493. Quipay | venire. | Venir | küpan | come | V | root sfx | küpa iy | come-ind3 | |
494. Ien | edere. | Comer | in | eat | V | root sfx | i (ü)n | eat-inf | |
495. Butun | bibere. | Beber | pütun | drink | V | root sfx | pütu (ü)n | drink-inf | |
496. Mepai | cacare. | Defecar | men | defecate | V | root sfx sfx | me pa iy | excrement-cis-ind3 | |
497. VVillan | mejere. | Orinar | willün | urinate | V | root sfx | willü (ü)n | urinate-inf | |
498. Cudepaiñ | ludere. | Jugar | kuden | play | V | root sfx sfx | kude pa (iy)iñ | play/bet-cis-ind1p | |
499. Quequatum | causas dicere: | Decir los motivos/Presentar una querella | kekatun | raise complaints | V | root sfx sfx | keka tu (ü)n | complaint-vblz-inf | Sp:queja 'complaint' |
500. Locatum | litigare. | Litigar, discutir | ? | ? | ? | root | ? | ? | |
501. Langawÿn | nесаrе. | Matar | l'angümün | kill | V | root cause sfx | l'a üm (ü)n | die--inf | |
502. MecoVVÿn | portare. | Cargar | meñkün | carry | V | root sfx sfx | meñkü fi (ü)n | carry-dir3-inf | |
503. Chuquin | furari. | Robar | chukin | steal | V | root sfx | chuki (ü)n | steal-inf | |
504. Guallulueno | reddere. | Devolver | wallün | cause to go round | V | root sfx sfx | wall (ü)l enew | surroundings-cause-ind3-1s | Latin 'reddere' probably means give back |
505. Peltenei | pendere. | Estar suspendido (tb. fig.)// pesar (tb. fig.) | pültrün | hang | V | root sfx sfx | pültru nge iy | hang-pass-ind3 | |
506. Lay | mori. | Morir | l'an | die | V | root sfx | l'a iy | die-ind3 | |
507. Rengalgei | sepelire. | Enterrar | rüngalün | bury | V | root sfx sfx sfx | rünga (ü)l nge iy | dig-cause-pass-ind3 | |
508. Quedau Capay | laborare. | Trabajar | küdawkan | do all kinds of work | V | root root sfx sfx | küdaw ka pa iy | workother/also-cis-ind3 | see Smeets |
509. Intunge Milla | aurum effodere. | Excavar oro | entun | remove | V | root sfx root | entu nge milla | remove-imp2sgold | |
510. Nilla Teubÿn | vendere. | Vender | ngillan | buy/get | N | root sfx sfx sfx | ngilla tu fi (ü)n | buy/get-rest-dir3-ind1s | |
511. Nilla vin | emere. | Comprar | ngillan | buy/get | N | root sfx sfx | ngilla fi (ü)n | buy/get-dir3-ind1s | |
512. Chu pipai mi? | quid dices? | ¿Qué dirás? | chu pin | what say | WH V | pfx root sfx sfx | chu pi pa imi | what say-cis-ind2s | |
513. Quimla VVÿn tami piel | nescio quid dicas | No sé qué dices | kimün tami pin | know your(s) say | V PP V | root sfx sfx sfx root root sfx | kim la fi iy tami pi el | know-neg-dir3-ind3 your(PP2s) say-nmlz | |
514. Chu pipaimi | quid facis? | ¿Qué haces? | chu pin | what say | WH V | pfx root sfx sfx | chu pi pa imi | what say-cis-ind2s | |
515. Chumpaila | nihil. | Nada | chumpayl'a | just face up | AV | pfx root | chum payl'a | thus/just/no more thanface-up | this seems idiomatic for 'doing nothing'. Q:'What are you doing?' A:'just lying on my back!' |